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Monday, June 17, 2013

Cara Fix Java Jre yang Corrupt

  • Download JavaRa

  • Run with Administrator permissions
  • Click Remove Java Runtime

  • Click on Additional Tasks

  • Select the following and click Run

( Remove Startup Entry, Remove Outdated JRE Firefox Extensions, Clean JRE Temp Files. )
  • Re-install from here:

Cara Decompile Android Dengan APK TOOL

Banyak nya cara untuk meng-decompile dengan berbagai cara yang rumit akan tetapi banyak nya artikel yang kurang jelas, nah kali ini saya akan post cara decompile android dengan mudah cekidot brow :

Ramuan :
Java JDK/JRE 32 bit
Super Basic Cmd/terminal knowledge

Download Apk Tool:
Media Fire-Mirror

Yang pertama unzip dulu nya dimana aja , contohnya : 
C:/android/apktool extracting filenya ke 'apktool' folder.

Command Prompt:

buka command promt mu
Start -> run -> type : Cmd atau

Windows + R ketik cmd --> enter

Your cmd will probly look like this..


so type in

cd.. (Yes include the '..' and press enter after you type each command.)

this will get you to back directory so now you will see


so type again


you should now see this:


now type in:

cd 'apktoo'l/'directory'

for me it looks like:

cd android/apktool

now you should see:


and you are in the apktool directory

Installing Framework:

Sekarang bahwa Anda berada di direktori kita perlu menginstal framework perangkat untuk sistem anda untuk itu untuk mengkompilasi dengan benar sehingga ketik ini:

apktool if framework-res.apk

This will install the devices framework to your system. (need to do this)


Now to decompile the apk you want to edit, type this:

apktool d framework-res.apk framework1


apktool d music.apk music

music.apk is the apk your decompiling
music is the folder you're creating for the decompiled apk

Now go about your business

Recompiling/Finished Product:

Now to recompile your new apk type this:

apktool b music music-new.apk


apktool b framework1 framework-res-new.apk

framework1 is the folder with your edited files
framework-res-new.apk is your new apk file

We are NOT done just yet, we cannot use the new apk's... we have to take what we did and add it back to the original apk file to keep proper signature

use something like 7zip, take the 'resources.arcs' file and any other xml files you edited out of the "-new" apk and copy them into Original apk

Your new modded APK is now ready, Congrats!

If you get Java errors see here.

Good Luck Guys!