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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mod Little Empire Android V.1.8.8/1.8.9

Behemoth res\drawable-hdpi\altas11.png
Final Bossesres\drawable-hdpi\altas0.png
Hero Altarres\drawable-hdpi\altas9.png
The Sealres\drawable-hdpi\altas14.png
Castle Kidsres\drawable-hdpi\altas2.png
Castle UIres\drawable-hdpi\altas1.png
All text (titles, names, messages, etc.)res\values\strings.xml
Color Scheme (bad structure) res\values\colors.xml
Global Styles (bad structure) res\values\styles.xml
Altas file image mapres\values\layout\arrays.xml
3D buildings res\raw\*

These are places to most of the editable images and XML's. XML files hold the layouts, style amoungst other things for each screen. For example you edit a layout which holds your firends lists. Hide buttons or features you don't use and so on.

Altas file image map - is basically the location of each item inside the 14 different altas files. If you are not creating your own images you can use this to switch armour and other things around.
Example of the code below is a snipet from the arrays.xml file. You can see the name as altas0_muscleman_weapon. This is related to an image in altas0.png and is referring to muscle man's weapon. Lol muscle man. The location of this image is in the top left corner and the image size is 395pixles in width and 189 pixels in height. I know this the first 2 numbers are x and y coordinates and the second 2 numbers are width and height. Hope that made sense.

  1. <integer-array name="altas0_muscleman_weapon">
  2.         <item>0</item> *this is the x position*
  3.         <item>0</item> *this is the y position*
  4.         <item>395</item> *this is the width*
  5.         <item>186</item> *this is the height*
  6.     </integer-array>
Copy the Code
3D buildings can be edited using a tool but I can't remember the name. The name of tool reminds me of milk...if that helps anyone.

LE Mod v2
little empire man1sh style

- Welcome screen edited to express my thoughts about Camel Games.
- Login screen edited to promote the forum.
- Cleaner friends: Removed unnecessary icons and text.
- Spell enhancements. Working progress, lightning.
- Priest and Archers now have a way to breathe. Brought to my attention by bblitz over here: Thread - Archers
- Aqua Gear now replaces Naked, NFS, alliance NFS and other popular items.
- Aqua Gear now has glow. Yay!
- Happy days: Stopped the snow falling in the fort. Hopefully the rest will melt away.
Download the APK: Drop Box